How to propagate Nandina Nana (dwarf nandina)
We propagate nandina nana using cuttings. Cuttings are a fast and very successful method of propagation for nandina nana. A cutting is basically a clone of the mother plant.
These cuttings were taken at the end of summer and were ready for the garden at the start of spring. So approximately 6 months from cutting to viable plant.
Selecting plants
To propagate Nandina nana (dwarf nandina) we need fairly large established plants to harvest cuttings from. This is because we need to harvest the long woody stems that the leaves emerge from.
Find a well established, healthy plant to harvest the stems from. Nandinas are very resistant to most pests and diseases, however now and then they can be attacked by mildew. Do not take cuttings from a plant with mildew.
It is possible to harvest a small amount of stems from a small potted plant, such as the one shown above. But you’ll generally only get 2-5 cuttings off a plant that size. It’s much better to wait until the plant is established.
A fully established plant can yield over 100 cuttings!

Creating and striking the cuttings
Once the stems have been harvested, we can then turn them into cuttings. Simply cut the stem into 2-3″ (5-7.5cm) lengths and remove all foliage.
We cut the foliage off the top half and strip it off on the bottom half. When your looking at the long length of stem, part of it will be old and woody and the top part will be new and green. The whole section of stem is viable, it makes no difference for the cutting wether it’s new growth or old growth.
Now to strike the cuttings, we plug them into a mix we make with perlite and peat moss. It’s 90% perlite, 10% peat moss. Both retain water exceptionally and create a healthy, sterile environment.
Lightly water the mix and then push the cuttings in. Once all the cuttings are in, water the mix thoroughly.
Store the cutting in a well lit sheltered position. It’s important to keep the cuttings out of direct sunlight and wind as this will quickly dry them out and kill them.
Whilst waiting for the roots to develop, keep the mix which the cuttings are in moist, but not wet!

Potting the cuttings
It takes around 2-3 months for the cuttings to develop a good root system in the perlite peat moss mix. During this time new foliage will sprout (as shown in the above photo).
When potting the cuttings use a good quality potting mix. We pot into 2″(5cm) tubes, these take up very little room, whilst still providing a decent root ball.
After the cuttings are potted, water thoroughly and store back into a sheltered and well lit area. When watering the freshly potted cuttings for the first time, use seasol. This is a seaweed based fertiliser that we find really helps promote strong root growth.
Once you notice that roots are emerging out from the bottom of the tube, the plants can then be placed outside in the elements. This allows them to harden before planting into the garden or larger pots.
We let the plants harden outside for almost a month before transplanting.
So, that’s how we propagate Nandina nana (dwarf nandina).
Below is a short video, if you prefer a more visual experience. We hope this was helpful. If you enjoy our content feel free to subscribe. Thanks
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How to propagate Nandina Nana (Dwarf nandina) Video

Nandina domestica Nana- Dwarf sacred bamboo Information & Care
Nandina domestica nana- Dwarf sacred bamboo, is a small mounding shrub. The foliage changes from lime green to red, becoming more vibrant in winter.
Brilliant in almost any garden, where the constant changing colour of the foliage gives year-round interest. It’s ideal as a low hedge or border, but also looks great dotted here and there for pops of colour. Can also be grown in patio pots if desired.
Can grow in full sun or part shade. Prefers a well draining soil. Give a prune once a year to maintain tight compact growth.
Cultural Notes
Botanical name: Nandina domestica nana
Common name: Dwarf sacred bamboo
Family: Berberidaceae
Native to: Eastern Asia
Flowers: none
Position: Full sun/Part shade
Height: 70cm
Width: 70cm